Nothing Happens by Chance … a True Story (Part IV)

Here is another “Anderson Story!”  In December of the year I visited Gene and Lucy, I received a Christmas card from them.  This is my second-favorite Christmas card of all time.  I have to say that my Etta James Christmas card is my favorite … but this definitely comes in as a close second!  It was a follow-up to a conversation we had in Nashville.


While I was in Nashville, they told me the endearing story about Anderson when he was a young boy.  Anderson found a lost dog and brought him home.  He begged is parents to keep the dog.  They kept telling him that they had to find the owner.  They tried and tried to find its owner but to no avail. When they realized it was no use, they told Anderson that he could keep the dog.  He was so excited!  Gene and Lucy asked Anderson what he wanted to name the dog, and Anderson emphatically said “Rose!”  They suggested other names, and Anderson didn’t want any part of it.  Her name was Rose!


Gene and Lucy’s Christmas card to me that year had a lot of nice things to say … and then Lucy added another personal touch:  “Anderson found us another Rose.”  This story melts my heart …






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